What We Do
KWIC shareholders at the regular bi-monthly meetings held in AMREF The Kenya Women Investment Company (KWIC) was established in 2006 as an all-women savings and investment corporation, legally incorporated as a company limited by shares and operating under the Companies Act in Kenya. The company’s shareholders are professional and businesswomen mainly based around Nairobi but also dispersed as far as the USA, South Africa and the United Kingdom. KWIC was established as a vehicle to enhance the knowledge of individual members on investments; to pool savings so as to access investment opportunities not available to individuals and to ultimately enhance the shareholders financial well-being.
The company was incorporated in May 2006 under the Companies Act (CAP 486) and held its first AGM in July 2007. Membership currently stands at 29 women who contribute a share capital every month. The members also meet bi-monthy to collate the contributions, discuss investments and receive reports on various aspects of company performance. These meetings are in practice general meetings. Leadership is provided by the Board of Directors which comprises a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Vice Secretary, Treasurer and Vice Treasurer and a 7th director. Decisions of the board, general and committee meetings are minuted. The committees are Governance committee and Business Development Committee which report to the Board on their specific mandates.
Our Strategic Focus Areas are;
1) Investment and financial performance
2) Company strengthening and operationalization
3) Training and Capacity Building
4) Networking, Partnerships & collaboration